English for Medical Practice: Communicating with Patients and Colleagues (Course 2)

Health practitioners such as doctors, nurses and therapists who work in international settings need to communicate effectively in English about complex and sensitive issues. This course enhances your competence to interact with patients and with other health practitioners in a clear but polite way that inspires confidence and trust.

Some of the topics that may be covered include

  • concepts of physical and mental health
  • various patient encounters and consultations
  • writing brief patient histories and consultation notes
  • advising about prevention and exercise
  • explaining tests, diagnoses and treatments so that they are easy for patients to understand
  • conveying unwelcome news
  • interacting with other health practitioners and institutions
  • understanding and presenting research that is relevant to practice
  • delivering a presentation on a health topic.

This course is offered in the fall semester only.

Course information

Course level
24 Lessons
Stephan Meyer, MA
Credit points
Registration deadline
Thursday 19.09.2024
Course fee
Students and PhD candidates: CHF 315.00
Members of staff: CHF 579.00
Alumni: CHF 579.00
Alumni FHNW: CHF 579.00

Target group

Participants must already have completed at least two semesters of study in medicine, nursing, or exercise and health sciences.

Course materials

The course materials will be provided by the instructor.


To earn credit points, participants are expected to

  • not be absent more than twice,
  • participate actively in class,
  • pass four assignments of at least 200 words each (if an assignment is unsatisfactory, it may be resubmitted once),
  • deliver one satisfactory oral presentation, followed by a class discussion,
  • submit a portfolio consisting of the four assignments, along with the improved versions thereof.

Workload for ECTS:
In addition to class time, participants must plan to spend 3 hours per week on preparing and reviewing for class and on autonomous learning.

You can earn 2 credit points.
The course is graded with either pass or fail.

Certificate of attendance

Active participation is assumed. In order to receive a certificate of attendance for this course, you are not allowed to be absent more than twice.

Placement test

A placement test is required for this course. You are only allowed to participate and earn credit points if your level is not significantly higher than the level of the course. In borderline cases, the head of the respective language program will decide whether it is possible to participate with or without credit points based on an oral examination.

Replacement date

The supplementary replacement date for lessons that might not take place is: 07.12.2024 from 10:00 - 16:00.

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