Writing to Be Published – Academic Writing Conventions and Style

This course is for PhD students only and lays the foundation for the courses
"Writing to Be Published for the Natural Sciences" and "Writing to Be Published for the Social Sciences and Humanities."

Nothing counts more in the academic world than being published. The reviewing process, however, and science as a whole are basically conservative: Some of the best written work is often rejected because it departs substantially from a comprehensive set of universally accepted writing conventions, or does not conform to a style that publishers consider a prerequisite for publishing (or both). While in many anglophone countries university students receive a thorough mandatory training in academic writing skills, in non-English-speaking countries such training is frequently lacking or felt to be inadequate. Coupled with the fact that they do not usually write in their mother tongue, this puts authors from non-English-speaking countries at a serious disadvantage in global academic competition.

This intensive course teaches you how to turn your papers into publishable articles. It is aimed at researchers and academics who publish in English, or want to publish in English, but feel insecure about their command of the subtleties of convention and style (and may have already submitted a paper or two that were rejected solely on conventional or stylistic grounds). The course deals with a broad range of writing conventions, from the presentation of abbreviations, names, and numbers to the use of capitalization and italicization, to the quotation of sources and their documentation; and it addresses selected stylistic issues, such as paragraph structure, pronoun reference, sexist language, and personal vs. impersonal style.

Course information

Course level
B2/ C1
  • Monday 07.10.2019, 08:00–13:00
  • Tuesday 08.10.2019, 08:00–13:00
  • Wednesday 09.10.2019, 08:00–13:00
18 Lessons
Paul Skandera, Dr.
Credit points
Registration via Transferable skills

Course materials



Registration for this course is only possible as of 7 August 2019, 9:00 am via Transferable Skills

Certificate of attendance

In order to receive a certificate of attendance (available on request) for this course, you are not allowed to be absent at all.

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