Legal English – Analysis, Writing, and Advocacy

This intensive course provides participants with the opportunity to learn and practice the skills necessary for the successful study and practice of law – namely, analyzing complex texts, clear writing, and effective advocacy. The two-week course will equip students with a tool kit of legal skills that will serve them throughout the semester and beyond.

Students will learn how to analyze and explain complex legal texts, including judicial opinions, legislation and commercial contracts. They will learn techniques for clear and effective writing, practice their own writing, and receive detailed and expert feedback. Additionally, the course provides students with strategies to craft persuasive oral and written arguments.

Through a hands-on approach, participants will work with a range of practical texts (e.g. court decisions, statutes CV’s and cover letters, standard terms contracts, client correspondence, and legal academic material) and participate in various exercises, discussions, and writing activities. Students are expected to come to class prepared with any required reading and assignments.

The course is recommended for any students or alumni who would like to hone the practical skills that will give them an advantage in their studies and their careers. The course is also beneficial for students considering participation an English language moot court (e.g. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot) and those contemplating studying or working abroad or in an international practice area (e.g. commercial law, life sciences, or litigation and arbitration).

Please be aware that this is a language course, and the aim of the course is to develop the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of participants in relation to legal topics by drawing on their own experience and knowledge.

Entry requirement: Minimum two semesters of law.

This course is offered in the fall semester only.

Course information

Course level
  • Monday 08.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Tuesday 09.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Wednesday 10.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Thursday 11.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Friday 12.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Tuesday 16.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Wednesday 17.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Thursday 18.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
  • Friday 19.08.2022, 09:30–11:30
24 Lessons
Alissa Palumbo Högger, Dr. iur.
Credit points
Registration deadline
Monday 01.08.2022
Course fee
Students and PhD candidates: CHF 315.00
Members of staff: CHF 579.00
Alumni: CHF 579.00
Alumni FHNW: CHF 579.00

There will be no class on 15 August 2022.

Course materials



To earn credit points, participants are expected to

  • not be absent more than once,
  • participate actively in class,
  • submit three satisfactory written assignments of at least 200 words each (if an assignment is unsatisfactory, it may be resubmitted once),
  • participate in a simulation (such as a mock arbitration or negotiation),
  • submit a portfolio consisting of the three written assignments, along with the improved versions thereof.

Workload for ECTS
In addition to class time, participants must plan to spend 1-2 hours per day on preparing and reviewing for class and on autonomous learning.

You can earn 2 credit points.
Coursework is assessed by means of a portfolio (pass/fail).

Certificate of attendance

Active participation is assumed. In order to receive a certificate of attendance (available on request) for this course, you are not allowed to be absent more than once.

Placement test

This course requires either an obligatory placement test or completion of a preceding course. If you have not attended a preceding course, a computer placement test has to be taken prior to registration.

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