English: Pronunciation for Clear Communication

To be understood by an international community of English users, it is necessary that you pronounce words and deliver sentences intelligibly. This small-group course offers a practical introduction to the many pronunciation skills needed for clear communication in English. You will train how to produce individual sounds, combine difficult sounds, stress syllables within words, connect words and adapt intonation of sentences to fulfil different functions. No accent is prioritized over others; the aim is to make yourself understood and not to rid your English of traces of other languages.

If the course time announced on this page is inconvenient, we would be happy to consider alternative times that suit you.

Course information

This course has been cancelled.
Course level
A2 - C1
  • Monday, 12:30–13:40
11 Lessons
Helen Thurston, M.Sc.
Credit points
Registration deadline
Sunday 20.03.2022
Course fee
Students and PhD candidates: CHF 363.00
Members of staff: CHF 456.00
Alumni: CHF 456.00
Alumni FHNW: CHF 456.00

There will be no class on 11 April, 18 April and 16 May 2022.


Active participation is assumed.

In order to receive credit points, participants will

  • not be absent more than once (additional inevitable absences must be compensated in consultation with the lecturer),
  • actively participate in class activities,
  • train pronunciation at home,
  • submit recordings of pronunciation tasks.

You can get a total of 1 credit point.

Participants are assessed by means of a portfolio (pass/fail).


± 60 minutes / week


There will be minimum three participants and maximum five participants. If there are more than three participants, the course price is reduced to correspond to the number of participants.

Certificate of attendance

Active participation is assumed. In order to receive a certificate of attendance (available on request) for this course, you are not allowed to be absent more than once.
Additional inevitable absences must be compensated in consultation with the lecturer.

Placement test

Oral placement interviews are required for all participants. You will receive further information upon registering for the course.

Replacement date

The supplementary replacement date for lessons that might not take place is: 21 May 2022 from 10:00 - 16:00.

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