Deutsch als Fremdsprache: A2 intensiv

This intensive course trains all four language skills – speaking, writing, listening and reading – with a view to improving your oral and written communication skills in particular. Central content and topics of the A2 language level are addressed. This includes simple conversations about past events and unambiguous communication in various everyday situations (e.g. sales encounters, telephone conversations); understanding short, spoken texts (e.g. loudspeaker announcements); and writing brief, simple texts (e.g. text messages and emails). Addressed topics (reading and listening) take into account the Swiss context in which you live and work.

Focused grammar input appropriate to participants' entry level allows them to improve declination, conjugation, syntax, and the use of tenses (perfect and simple past).

Our goal is to strengthen your knowledge of German, enhance your communication skills, expand your vocabulary and recognizably optimize your language competence.

In the end of the course you can receive individual consultation about potential courses in our German semester program from the lecturer. You can register for such a consultation during the course.

The total break time will be 30 minutes per session.

The language of instruction is the target language, German; as an academic lingua franca, English will only be used occasionally as an auxiliary language.

Course information

Course level
  • Monday 02.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Tuesday 03.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Wednesday 04.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Thursday 05.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Friday 06.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Monday 09.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Tuesday 10.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Wednesday 11.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
  • Thursday 12.09.2024, 12:00–15:30
36 Lessons
Isabelle Wegmüller
Credit points
Registration deadline
Friday 30.08.2024
Sept 24
Course fee
Students and PhD candidates: CHF 383.00
Members of staff: CHF 723.00
Alumni: CHF 723.00
Alumni FHNW: CHF 723.00

Target group

The intensive courses cover a broader range of levels than the semester courses. They are therefore also a suitable general refresher for the respective level. A2 intensiv is aimed at participants who have successfully completed the semester courses EinsteigerInnen II and Grundkurs I, or for persons with placement results around A1/A2.

Course materials

The course materials will be provided by the instructor.

The following grammar text is recommended for self-study:

Grammatik aktiv - Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Übungsgrammatik (A1-B1); 2. aktualisierte Ausgabe, Cornelsen Verlag Berlin (ISBN: 978-3-06-122964-1).

Further details will be found in the course confirmation. Please do not acquire the course materials before then.


To earn credit points, participants are expected to

  • not be absent more than once,
  • participate actively in class,
  • pass two assessments,
  • design a poster on a course topic and present it as part of a poster session.

Workload for ECTS:
In addition to class time, participants must plan to spend 1-2 hours per day on preparing and reviewing for class and on autonomous learning.

You can earn 2 credit points.
The course is graded with either pass or fail.

Certificate of attendance

Active participation is assumed. In order to receive a certificate of attendance for this course, you are not allowed to be absent more than once.

Placement test

This course requires either an obligatory computer placement test or completion of a preceding course (attendance of at least 8 sessions or 23 of the course lessons).

Replacement date

The supplementary replacement date for lessons that might not take place is: 13.09.2024 from 12:00 - 15:30

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