Editing & Proofreading

The Language Center offers academic editing and proofreading:

  1. Editing for researchers who want to publish their findings

  2. Proofreading of theses for students.

The differences explained:


Expert academic editing can improve your chances of favorable review and thus accelerate the publication of your findings. Our experienced, multidisciplinary editing team can assist you in any stage of the publishing process, including drafting, revising, responding to reviewers, and the final polish for resubmission.

Focusing on all aspects of language, we offer more than just basic proofreading: we ensure that your words convey your content correctly and convincingly in ways that hold readers’ interest. We take care of the linguistic details and the overall impression to make certain that your expressions are apt, your grammar is impeccable, your ideas are logically linked, and your style is lucid.

Our interactive editing, which includes personal consultation if desired, distinguishes us from online providers. By maintaining contact with you, we give you control of the process, which guarantees exceptionally high levels of accuracy and efficiency.

  • More information on the editing for publication process here
  • Submit a request for editing for publication here
  • View a sample editing for publication agreement here

Tel.: +41 (0)61 207 52 33


Professional proofreading ensures that your thesis is in idiomatic, grammatically correct and readable academic English that is acceptable to your supervisor.

Depending on your and your supervisor's/lecturer's choice, the proofreading service may cover:
- Correcting and ensuring consistency in punctuation, spelling, word choice, grammar, and syntax
- Suggesting ways of making very long sentences or paragraphs reader friendly
- Indicating where the text is unintelligible
- Ensuring that the references adhere to the specific style

  • More information on the proofreading of theses process here
  • Submit a request for proofreading of a thesis here
  • View a sample proofreading agreement here

Tel.: +41 (0)61 207 52 33

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