Foregrounding the productive skills, <i>English: Speaking and Writing</i> is a set of two courses welcoming learners from different academic backgrounds who are looking for the opportunity to gain greater range of expression, accuracy, confidence and natural-sounding authenticity authenticity in spoken and written English, primarily for study purposes.
Drawing on a broad spectrum of source material, both general and academic, and touching on a varied selection of topics and text-types, <i>Speaking and Writing II</i> sets out to engage your interest in a series of contexts designed to hone your grasp of the productive skills. Through weekly discussions with your peers, in pairs, groups and as a class, you have the chance to bring your everyday experience and academic know-how to bear on a series of different themes. You are encouraged to take your opinions and research perspectives as jumping off points for an outlined writing assignment. By submitting for feedback and correction three such assignments, you have the possibility to build a short body of written work.
Alongside exercising the productive skills, <i>Speaking and Writing II</i> also provides regular windows to enrich your vocabulary and realise greater control of selected areas of grammar. Following on from <i>Speaking and Writing I</i>, the course builds on the previous course by extending the range and complexity of the discourse addressed and by its more explicit focus on developing academically-oriented English. Language features targeted include: identifying and applying academic formality; expressing points of view; describing change; situating and outlining a process; comparing and contrasting; exploring cause and effect relationships; describing data; defining and classifying; weighing the sides of an argument; reporting what others say; making a presentation.
In brief, <i>English: Speaking and Writing II</i> offers you the chance to:
- participate in pair, group and class discussions which encourage you to share your everyday and scientific experience;
- put together a short body of written assignments which allow you to bring general and research perspectives into play;
- perfect collocating language and ready-to-use phrases to promote natural-sounding English;
- practise your pronunciation; intonation and pausing;
- improve your language control;
- develop and implement academic lexis;
- exercise range and formality in your grammatical and lexical choices;
- develop aspects of coherence and cohesion: punctuation, paragraphing and linking;
- prepare and give a short presentation to your peers.
Participants needing more grammar training can also attend the course English C1.1 or English C1.2 during the semester.